A bouquet of roses and orange blossoms from Morocco and Tunisia, small white corollas enhancing engaged women in Mediterranean Africa, are woven like a perfumed crown for Laïka, the angel-woman.
Head notes of juicy pomegranate make the mouth water. Buchu from South Africa also adorns it, enhanced by lemon and grapefruit zest that give the fragrance a fresh, appetising burst.
Vibrant woods, musk and vanilla from Madagascar form the base, creating a soft cocoon of well-being to express this woman’s nurturing warmth.
“Malaïka”, the famous Swahili love song sung and covered from North to South Africa, lends its theme to the perfume.
This feminine muse is as inspirational as an angel, adored, celebrated. She is an embodiment of pure light. Laïka is her descendant. Laïka spreads her wings, knowing how to be loved and confident, loving modern day.
She is pure, sensual, and feminine, capturing hearts and hypnotising minds.
Family: Fruity, Floral
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